This Guidebook is designed to serve as a training material for the learners in the AGREEN training course “Entrepreneurship for Climate-smart Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin”.

The course is developed within the project Cross-Border Alliance for Climate-Smart and Green Agriculture in The Black Sea Basin (AGREEN), Ref. No. BSB 1135, funded by the Joint Operational Program for Cross-Border Cooperation under the European Neighbourhood Instrument "Black Sea Basin 2014-2020", Priority 1.2 "Increasing cross-border opportunities for trade and modernization of agriculture and related sectors" and is intended for young farmers, professionals and students in agriculture and climate studies, following formal education at secondary or tertiary level.

The general objective of the training course is to support, up-skill and stimulate young entrepreneurs to engage in sustainable agriculture and organic farming and to improve the capacity of the young entrepreneurs and framers while on the job.

The present course is designed as a training suitable for blended mobility training and could be delivered in distance or blended-learning format. The structure of the course is composed of 6 training units (modules), presented in the following chapters.

The online version of the training course (including this Handbook and training contents) is available in English and all partners’ languages (Bulgarian, Romanian, Georgian, Armenian, Turkish and Greek) in the e-learning section of the project internet platform:

Course Timeline:
Module 1 Test : CSA ...
Module 2 Test: Clima...
Moudle 3 Test: Manag...
Module 4: Test...
Module 5 Test: Marke...
Module 6 Test: Inter...
Module overview: This module is the first in this course and consists of 5 lessons. Each lesson has a number of activities. The teacher can select or adjust the activities according to the needs of the learners and other parameters such as previous education and/or training and background, age, learning difficulties, etc. During the first lesson, the learners will be introduced to the definitions for whether, climate and climate change and will discuss the impact of climate change on agricultural production in BSB. The second lesson deals with food security and challenges and definition of CSA. In the third lesson students start learning more about sustainable production under CSA and adaptation strategies to climate change impacts. The lessons coming next will prepare students for adaptation strategies to climate change impacts. The last lesson will discuss approaches to increase competitiveness in agricultural sector, ensure sustainability and mitigate climate change under CSA and institutional aspect of CSA implementation. Learning objectives of the module (tasks): The module has the following aims/tasks: - Introduce the learners to whether, climate, climate change and CSA concept; - Improve knowledge of the learners in the impact of climate change on agricultural production in BSB; - Build up practical skills in sustainable production under CSA, adaptation strategies to climate change impacts and institutional aspect of CSA implementation. Learning Outcomes (Intended Learning Outcomes) Upon the completion of the module, the learners should be able to: - understand the weather, climate, climate change and how climate change will affect agro-production in BSB; - analyse the agricultural production systems in terms of sustainability in line with the CSA concept; - develop more sustainable and resilience agro-production strategies to adapt to and to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change within CSA concept; - Implement the most suitable CSA practices for a specific site.
Module overview This module is the second in this course and consists of 5 lessons. Each lesson has a number of activities. The teacher can select or adjust the activities according to the needs of the learners and other parameters such as previous education and/or training and background, age, learning difficulties, etc. In the first two lessons, the learners will be introduced to the basic concept of value chains and its parameters and will discuss the basic principles of value chain structure. The third lesson explores the different types of value chains and their advantages and disadvantages. The fourth lesson is more practically oriented and will prepare the students/trainees for being able to evaluate the effectiveness of the value chains, to plan corrective measures to increase value chain effectiveness based on the analysis and to establish criteria for selecting partners. The last lesson is dedicated to a case study in which the learners will be introduced to (or will be able to suggest themselves) an example of a climate-smart agricultural value chain in respective BSB county/region, based on which SWOT analysis and planning of corrective measures will be carried out. Learning objectives of the module (tasks) The module has the following aims/tasks: - Introduce the learners to the basic concept of value chains and its parameters; - Introduce the learners to the basic principles of value chain structure (stages, partners, relationships between partners); - Improve knowledge in conducting value chain analysis; - Improve knowledge of additional conditions in the planning process of building a value chains in climate-smart agriculture; - build up practical skills in developing an agri-food value chain based on value chain analysis and learners’ own capabilities / resources; - based on critical thinking, evaluate the possibilities of involving in climate-smart agri-food value chain. Learning Outcomes (Intended Learning Outcomes) Upon the completion of the module, the learners should be able to: - understand the importance of the value chain and particularly in the field of climate-smart agriculture; - analyse the effectiveness of value chains and establish relationships between participants; - identify the weak points of value chains and devise a strategy for taking appropriate measures. - build effective value chains based on the analysis of the sector and business environment; - use innovative approaches to increase the efficiency of climate-smart agricultural value chains; - apply cooperation skills between value chain partners; - use analytical and communication skills to collaborate with partners.
Module overview Sustainable farm management ensures access to a sufficient supply of healthy, diverse, and safe food for the global population – while limiting the impact on the environment and coping with climate change and without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This module is the third in this course and consists of 5 lessons. Each lesson has a number of activities. The teacher can select or adjust the activities according to the needs of the learners and other parameters such as previous education and/or training and background, age, learning difficulties, etc. During the first lesson, the learners will be introduced to the sustainable farm management approach and will discuss the biodiversity enhancement as a practical component of SFM. The second lesson deals with the benefits of nature resource protection in SFM. In this lesson students will get acquainted with soil health, water conservation, sustainable pest management topics from SFM practical point of view. The third lesson will address sustainability of family-controlled farms, economic viability and human wellbeing issues. The fourth lesson will guide students to understand the integration of SFM practices into agribusiness. The 5th and last lesson will provide a checklist to students to measure sustainability of a farm and will illustrate the advantages of SFM on case study of a sustainable farm. Learning objectives of the module (tasks) The module has the following aims/tasks: - To provide key knowledge regarding SFM concept and its implementation; - To provide knowledge on the construction of SFM practices; - To provide knowledge about practical skills in managing sustainable farms in an effort to facilitate the transfer to a new management philosophy in the sector; - To provide knowledge on the importance of diversity in all sectors of SFM; - To provide knowledge to assess sustainability of a farm and harmonise sustainability in all stages of agribusiness management. Learning Outcomes (Intended Learning Outcomes) Upon the completion of the module, the learners should be able to: - Interpret the concept of sustainability correctly; - Contribute to the development of sustainability in farming practices by proposing and implementing practical solutions; - Assess the sustainability of a farm; - Manage sustainable farms.
Module overview This module is the forth in this course and consists of 5 lessons. Each lesson has a number of activities. The teacher can select or adjust the activities according to the needs of the learners and other parameters such as previous education and/or training and background, age, learning difficulties, etc. The first lesson examines the importance of funding for the development and dissemination of SCA in a practical business environment. At the same time, it gives an idea of the possibility for a certain activity to be easily introduced as a business solution within a given organization/entity through justified financing. The second lesson summarizes the main regulatory sources at international, European and national level, with national regulations presented for each partner country. During the third lesson the learner becomes familiar with the different sources of financing CSA activities available and their specifics. The forth lesson details the development of a business plan and its importance for the financing of an organization in the field of SCA. At the same time gives an idea of the basic principles of budgeting of the organization in the field of SCA financing. Some management models and decisions related to business planning and strategic planning of the organization related to SCA. The last lesson presents the necessary costs that the organization should incur in undertaking various types of funding. This involves various assessments, research fees, information costs, and more. At the same time, the effect of the financing related to certain requirements of the financing organization, terms, revenues, etc. from the introduction of certain SCA are considered. Learning objectives of the module (tasks) The main objectives of this module are: - To provide knowledge about the importance and effect of funding for the dissemination and implementation of SCA; - To provide information on extensive funding legislation at international, European and national level; - To acquaint students with the variety of opportunities and sources of funding; - To provide an opportunity to decide on the choice of source of funding for SCA; - To acquire practical skills in compiling a business plan for financing an organization in the field of SCA. Learning Outcomes (Intended Learning Outcomes) Upon the completion of the module, the learners should be able to: - understand the importance of funding for achieving the main goals and dissemination of CSA in business; - identify the main legislative sources in the field of financing at the international, European and national level and look for specific regulations in the specific CSA activity; - identify and understand many of the possible sources of funding for CSA; - take informed decisions about choosing a particular source of funding; - develop a business plan for financing an organization in the field of CSA.
Module overview The production process of sustainable agricultural products does not end at harvesting but rather at selling the products. Therefore, the Marketing of sustainable agricultural products plays a vital and important role to defining the farmers’ income and therefore the level of prosperity for both producers and consumers. This module aims at transmitting valuable knowledge on the of Marketing sustainable agricultural products. Among others, students/trainees will become familiar with the concept of Marketing, its purpose, and its main principles. Moreover, we will establish and analyse the necessary connection between agriculture, sustainable agriculture and marketing, and the way it can be applied and used. We will analyse the concept and importance of Green Marketing, that is tightly related to raising awareness about the sustainable characteristics of the product and its production methods. We will study some of the most relevant and effective marketing strategies that are best suited for the agricultural sector and students/trainees will become familiar with the development of the Marketing Plan. By the end of the module, participants will be able to develop their own Marketing Plan and evaluate the results of implementing their marketing strategies. To that end the fourth lesson details the development of a marketing plan and its importance for the promotion of sustainable agricultural products. The students/trainees will study the contents of a marketing plan, briefly analysing each critical section giving special attention to the allocation of resources for implementing the marketing strategies. Further, within the Measuring Results and Fine-tuning the learners will explore the necessary assessment and evaluation of the results after the implementation of the Marketing Plan. We will study the way to assess the achievement of quantitative and qualitative goals set in the Marketing Plan and quantify results. Moreover, students/trainees will learn how and where they need to take corrective measures and actions in their marketing plan and how often they should repeat this procedure. Finally, the learners will be involved in Case Studies where they will be asked to identify and examine a local sustainable agriculture product that has successfully implemented a marketing strategy either in their country or elsewhere (unsuccessful marketing strategy is also an option for studying an example of what went wrong). Learning objectives of the module (tasks) The main objectives of this module are: - To acquaint students and/or trainees with the notion of marketing - To provide knowledge about the importance of marketing in agricultural products in general and in sustainable agricultural products specifically - To provide information on the different types of marketing for sustainable agricultural products - To develop critical thinking on choosing the appropriate and most effective marketing strategy - To develop practical skills in developing a marketing strategy for sustainable agricultural products - To develop knowledge on how to measure the results of the marketing strategy adopted Learning Outcomes (Intended Learning Outcomes) Upon the completion of the module, the learners should be able to: - understand the meaning of marketing in general and in the field of agriculture - understand the importance of developing and implementing a marketing plan and a marketing strategy - develop a marketing plan by studying the characteristics of their product and the targeted consumers / markets on the grounds on which to choose the appropriate marketing strategy - measure the results from the implementation of their marketing strategy and apply corrective measures where applicable - find innovative and creative ways to market sustainable agricultural products to overcome competition - use communication skills for working in a team with each other and with marketing experts - use analytical skills in analysing the characteristics of their products, stretching their strengths, and promoting their ideas.
Module overview This module provides the framework for implementing the knowledge provided by the previous modules, aiming at the successful conclusion of an international transaction, with a regional focus. It gives a general understanding regarding how trade policies came into place. It helps trainees to understand the nature and determinants of international good and factor movements, and the economic impacts of international trade patterns and trade policy, mainly in the Black Sea region. The sixth module is structured in five topics, covering the importance of agricultural trade, a concise presentation of Modern trade models, reasons for food price structure and price fluctuations, existing institutional regulatory and legal framework, presentation of existing tariffs and exchange rates in the project members countries, along with best practices regarding international payments. Learning objectives of the module (tasks) The main objectives of this module are: - To provide key knowledge on international trade and cooperation in the agricultural field; - To prepare the learners to implement effective international sales. Learning Outcomes (Intended Learning Outcomes) - Upon the completion of the module, the learners should be able to: - Understand and apply model of trades, patterns of trade; - Understand and consider for their business model the competition, factor mobility, national regulations in trade and tariffs, the nature and influence of exchange rates; - Develop own business model efficiently and responsibly, while observing legislation and ethics in international trade; - Understand the technical, scientific base and choose the most appropriate trade scenario for their business; - Understand and apply the communication methods most appropriate to receive and apply technical, legal and financial information.

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