This Guidebook is designed to serve as a training material for the learners in the AGREEN training course “Entrepreneurship for Climate-smart Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin”.
The course is developed within the project Cross-Border Alliance for Climate-Smart and Green Agriculture in The Black Sea Basin (AGREEN), Ref. No. BSB 1135, funded by the Joint Operational Program for Cross-Border Cooperation under the European Neighbourhood Instrument "Black Sea Basin 2014-2020", Priority 1.2 "Increasing cross-border opportunities for trade and modernization of agriculture and related sectors" and is intended for young farmers, professionals and students in agriculture and climate studies, following formal education at secondary or tertiary level.
The general objective of the training course is to support, up-skill and stimulate young entrepreneurs to engage in sustainable agriculture and organic farming and to improve the capacity of the young entrepreneurs and framers while on the job.
The present course is designed as a training suitable for blended mobility training and could be delivered in distance or blended-learning format. The structure of the course is composed of 6 training units (modules), presented in the following chapters.
The online version of the training course (including this Handbook and training contents) is available in English and all partners’ languages (Bulgarian, Romanian, Georgian, Armenian, Turkish and Greek) in the e-learning section of the project internet platform: